Theism v Atheism Compared

I’ve heard people refer to the crusades, witch-burning, inquisition, Galileo, terrorism, abortionist murderers as reasons why religion is dangerous and without it there would be a lot less death and suffering in the world.

The facts and figures tell a different story, however.

Below are three pie charts comparing democide (this includes genocide, politicide, and mass murder, but not war-dead) with war-dead, atheist regime murder and the Black Plague. The first is Pre 20th C, the second is Post 20th C and the third combines all of history.

The atrocities from religion are inexcusable. The death of one person is tragic, and these numbers are so huge they lose all meaning. What should be learnt from this that getting rid of religion will certainly not spell the end of war, genocide and political murder.


One thought on “Theism v Atheism Compared

  1. ” What should be learnt from this that getting rid of religion will certainly not spell the end of war, genocide and political murder.”

    Just getting rid of it, correct. Replacing it with something more moral? That would be better. It hasn’t happened yet, but it would be good.

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